2022 had its troughs and peaks — but we can now see the finish line! Grab a pen — and a moment — to reflect on your highs, your lows, and “where you want to go”. Jot down where you are now and how you’ll get to where you want to be in ’23.

Here is a short eBook for some light reading, plus activities to help you reflect on the year that was; we hope you enjoy it! Click here

Our office will be closing on Wednesday 21st December 2022 and reopening on Tuesday 10th January 2023. Hopefully you have plans to take some time off to relax and consider what success looks like for you in the New Year. We’re looking forward to working together in ‘23, whatever it may bring!

From our team to yours: stay safe, be kind to yourself, and have a well-deserved break!

Take care and happy holidays,

Your Outside Team


Need a bit of assistance with your
business? Contact an Outside Accounting team member today and learn more about
our fixed fees. You won’t regret it.

Aside from business consultation, we
are business accountants Wellington
who offer accountingbookkeeping, payroll services designed to
help you achieve greater financial success.

You can click here to speak to a businessaccounting and bookkeeping firm. We will give you a
call to know more about your needs. We will explain to you how we can improve
your business.




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Business Accountants | 

Construction Accountants 

Property Accountants 

Contractor Accountants 

Hospitality Accountants |

Property Developer Accountants | Accountants Wellington | Wellington Accountant | Restaurant Accountants | Cafe Accountants | Business Consultation | Business Adviser

AddressLevel 2, 182 Vivian Street,
Te Aro, Wellington 6011, New Zealand 

Mail: PO Box 24-457, Wellington 6142

Phone04 889 2975

New Zealand Accounting, Bookkeeping & Property Business Consultancy Services | Wellington & Lower Hutt Xero Property Accountants Business coach business consultation business adviser

Wellington Accountants: Pivot, Grow, or Exit: Navigating Tough Times in Business

Steering a small business through economic downturns can be challenging, but these moments also present opportunities for growth, innovation, and strategic change. Deciding whether to pivot, grow, or leave the business depends on factors such as market conditions, financial stability, and personal aspirations. Here’s a guide to help you navigate tough times:

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