Surprise, surprise! You’ve read it right! IRD has introduced new financial statement reporting and standards for domestic trusts, which will apply from the 2021-22 income year.
Category Archives: Accounting explained
Pub Accountants: Accounting tips for pubs and clubs
Running a pub or club can be rewarding, but as an owner, you know it requires commitment – especially during peak seasons! During busy periods, pub and club owners often find it difficult to keep records.
Contractor Accountants: Do you need to start a company?
One common misconception many freelancers and sole traders believe is that they are required to register an LLC to trade.
Construction Accountants: Accounting for construction businesses
As a tradie in the construction industry, you’re bound to know just how challenging it can be to track and keep comprehensive records of multiple jobs, projects and builds. Although it can be pretty timely, we can’t stress enough how important consistent record-keeping is in your construction business.
Contractor Accountants: Accounting and Bookkeeping for contractors
As a contractor, do you have an idea of what you should be looking for in an accountant or bookkeeper? Probably not, but while you’re not to blame, now’s the time to know, so you can finally have someone help you with your contracting journey – an essential step!
Property Accountants: How to make real estate accounting less complex
Real estate accounting and accounting for property development can be complex but there are ways to manage it and make it less complicated.
Property Accountants: Bright-line property test – know your tax rules
As accountants, we’ve seen thousands of dollars go down the drain because investors overlooked tax deductions they were eligible for – that’s a lot of takeaway flat whites!
Accountants Wellington: What can we do as your Accountants?
Without getting all sales-y on you, there’s some very relevant stuff you can leverage from your accountants at present. If you’ve had any…
Accountants Wellington: All Black Everything – including your bank balance
How bloody good were those All Blacks? “Pretty bloody good” if you ask your average Kiwi bloke, just add a few more expletives if you ask…